Thursday, April 16, 2015

Jamaa Journal + Investigator's Hat + New Loading Screens + Think About it Thursday!

Hi jammers! Tons of updates and lots of homework for me, so this will be sort of rushed--sorry for all the short posts recently! >.<

Here is the new Jamaa Journal!

Pet geckos!! So that was the mystery animal that was hinted at in that other Jamaa Journal! And it also answers why that leaked image of a pet gecko was spotted earlier on this blog. ^.^

Awesome! (bunch of leaked images/glitches getting answered in this update, eh?) That flowered bunny glitch that could be noted when buying a tiger a few weeks ago was just AJHQ testing this out! That bunny is precious, and that carrot chair is practically the cutest thing on earth. :P If you see a jammer with this pattern, send in a picture of their bunny! I'd love to see it in person!

Yay, I love the Cruise Ship Party! And the polar bears will come back soon! :D

Earth Day is just 'round the corner, and there are some fun banners scattered about Jamaa for you to click on and learn about Earth Day! Also, there are some new Best Guess questions. ^.^

Hmm... what is this? A new adventure? New party? New land? New den? I wonder what it might be...

In Jam Mart Clothing, this fun investigator's hat is for sale for a decent price of 500 gems! ^.^

I really like this item, just wish that it were for all jammers. >.<

There are also some new festive, spring-themed loading screens! I managed to get a few screenshots of some of them. I'll make some graphics out of them a bit later and post them. ^.^

My favorites have to be the first and last ones. ^.^ The middle ones are adorable too!

For today's Think About it Thursday, I want you to think about what this new land/adventure/party/den might be like!

Answer in the comments: What do you think this is? A land? A den? An adventure? A party? And what do you think it will be like? Describe your vision for this new place in detail!

I'll see you later, jammers!

Meow! =^.^=



  1. Where'd your other blog go, The Dancing Panda? I thought it was pretty cool.

    1. The Dancing Panda is actually a blog where I post reviews, not a blog for Animal Jam, although that is how it started. And it is still there, and I update it daily, though not with Animal Jam content.

    2. Can you give me a link to it please? I wanna read it!

    3. The Dancing Panda website is so professional-looking omg. If only Panda created it then... Wow girl, you're talented at making blogs/sites! (no really) :)


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