Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Happy April Fool's Day + Zany, Weird & Silly Items + April Fool's Day Party Tour (Mysterious Shark Hat Now for Sale!) + Wednesday Freebie!

Hey jammers! Unfortunately, I have some bad news... AJGC will be shutting down later today, the work is just too hard for me now, especially since I am getting older, and school is getting harder and more demanding... I'm really sorry, and it breaks my heart into a million, billion pieces to say this. D: You were all such amazing friends, and I hope we can meet again sometime soon...

Haha, HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S! :P The only true part of the above statement was that you are all such amazing friends. THAT is completely and utterly true. ^.^ Nope, this blog isn't going ANYWHERE, at least not for a good couple of years. XD

When you logged into AJ today, you probably got this cute little April Fool's message from AJHQ!

I love that banner so much! I may have to make a graphic of it later. :P 

Anyways, the new items are the Zany, Weird and Silly items from last year! ^.^ I have always loved these items because the item space is blank, leaving the actual appearance of the item a complete mystery until you place it in your den! :D

I guess today is your only day to get them? Because it seems kind of weird that they would be on their last day of sale when they came to shops. Perhaps it is just a glitch though. :P And they do make pretty epic items, especially to scare your visitors. XD

Haha, make sure not to press any of those red buttons or click on that warning sign, Princess... :Princess presses buttons and knocks over warning sign: NOOOOOOOO!! :world explodes: XD

In honor of April Fool's Day, the annual April Fool's Day party returned to Jamaa today! Here's a tour of this amazing and funny party!

The party image:

The spawning place:

Some of the places in the party:

The shop:

Remember that mysterious shark hat that was released awhile ago on jammerjamis's animal? Well, it's for sale in the April Fool's Day shop! ^.^

For today's Wednesday Freebie, I am offering all Movement Packs, Deluxe Packs and Circus Packs at a discounted price! Here are the new, discounted prices:


Any item over 1,000 gems Any item over 200 gems! (use code: lionpower)


Medium rare or small den beta Small rare! (use code: pandapower)


Any item over 150 gems Free! (use code: polarbearpower)

Sorry there's now fancy-schmancy commission coupon thing, but if you use those codes in your next commission order, you can redeem your special deal. ^.^ These offers are only valid until April 7th, though, so make sure to act quickly! :D

Make sure to enter the 20 Followers Fashion Contest soon, because all entries are due by April 8th! And there are a lot of jammers who haven't received their prizes yet from previous contests. Since the prizes are on my storage account (awesomebunny868) I can't gift them to all you guys, and it won't let me trade the prizes back onto my main account so I can gift them to you, either. :T 

Well, that's all for now, guys! Have an amazing day today, and don't forget to smile, laugh and play a few tricks on your family and friends! ;D


And here's a little quote poster I made to motivate you to do great things today: 


  1. You convinced me we're shutting down

  2. For the shutting down part, I was like "It's April Fool's Day .-.". Not fooling me :P

    The last day thing isn't a glitch, those 3 items are always only available on April 1st :3

    1. Lol. And thanks for telling me that! Haha, I've only been playing AJ for a little, so I don't know a lot about it's history. ^.^

  3. I fell for it XD

  4. Replies
    1. Lol, a lot of people did the same thing on their blog on April Fool's Day, so I didn't expect anyone to believe it. XD


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