Sunday, April 12, 2015


My buddy Lovely1147046 informed me of a new hacker. This hacker goes by the name of Wretchedjungle. WisteriaMoon, WootMoo, Kosho and maybe WootMoo were hacked. Wisteria says that she was out having dinner, when her fried messaged her telling her that she was online. She says that she went through a login battle, and finally managed to get online long enough so that she could send all of her good items to a storage. But her magenta furry hat is gone, as well as all of her headdresses. I believe that Wretchedjungle has been banned, but Slushy AJ claims that this name is only there to take the fame of the events.

I'm not sure if this rumor is true, but it seems as though it wouldn't hurt to disable gifting and trading on your account. This way, even if the hacker gets into your account, they won't be able to take your items. I've disabled my trading and gifting, just in case. I think Wretchedjungle is after all of the famous jammers, but you never know when they might go for regular jammers as well.

Within the next few days, be extra careful of all suspicious activity around Jamaa. And as always, do not share your password, email or login information.

To see Slushy AJ's video about this, watch below:

Stay safe, jammers! ^.^ I hope that this is all just a rumor... but there's growing proof that it isn't. >.<



  1. Okay, so here's the thing
    When my old account was invaded, it also disappeared from the parents pages, and AJHQ was no help. Then, a week later, frost saw my old account was online. My den and animals were completely edited. When he mentioned that account being mine, he was unbuddied and locked out. Do you think this happened to me?

    1. I'm really not sure--it's nearly impossible to tell with this kind of stuff. It might have been this hacker, but as I said, I don't know.
      Sorry, I wish I could have been of more help.


    1. Really? I'm not sure... I would have to look at what the hacker did to her blog myself--how do you know it was hacked?

    2. Cutepups522 not signed in o.o)April 12, 2015 at 7:51 PM

      Oh, that post got deleted (thank goodness!) A few hours ago, there was this post on there that had very (VERY) poor spelling. The hacker hacked Tigerly (an author on that blog that gets so much hate and they supposedly know her personal info- it's very bad :C). It might've just been her Google accounting things getting hacked, and not the entire blog. (The hacker posted using Tigerly's name. I know it wasn't Tigerly herself because the post said something like "DIE DIE DIE DIE TIGERLY DIE DIE DIE FATFATFAT" It was so awful! No, I'm not the hacker or that other Anonymous who commented. I'm actually Cutepups but for some weird reason my phone won't let me sign in to my Blogger Dashboard because I can't access my computer or iPad right now. It's just for my phone though. Wow, I'm typing so fast. 0.0)

    3. I can go on my computer now. Yee... :p

    4. Oh, okay. That sounds awful--Tigerlypaws is getting so much hate recently... D: I feel really bad for her. :( Maybe I'll send her a nice email or signature or something. >.<

  3. How do you turn gifting and trading off? -d66864 on AJ

    1. I watched this YouTube video and they disabled their gifting and trading in their Parent Dashboard.

    2. Go to your Parent Dashboard, then go to the Trading and Gifting area of the account info. It is probably enabled right now, but switch both the Trading option and the Gifting option to the Disabled choice. When the hacker is cleared and everything is okay, or just whenever you want to enable it again, just go back to the Parent Dashboard and change it.

    3. You can also turn off buddy and game requests in-game

    4. Cool! Thanks everybody who commented! (my comment is famous) -d66864 on AJ

  4. Woah. O-O
    Don't you think he is kinda like Fman122? o.o

    1. Yesh. His muffins from Derpy shall be BURNT. -d66864 on AJ

  5. I was friends with Bepper and then when I went on a couple days after it happened Bepper and a lot of my other good friends were gone. I also Found An Item That I never had before.


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