Thursday, April 23, 2015

Bean Bag Toss + Stuff + Think About it Thursday!

Hey jammers! I'll be yapping about some randomness later on in the post (like new stuff for the blog, plans, questions, randomness etc.) so make sure to check that out. :P

The new item is the bean bag toss in Jam Mart Furniture

I've always loved this item because of it's color and creativity. ^.^

Time for the "stuff" part of this post. :P I'd like to add some more pages to the blog, but I don't know what to add. If you have any ideas, feel free to send them in or comment them down below! 

Oh, and in honor of 20,000 views, a story contest was posted a few days ago on the Contest Blog! Click here to view the post about it.

I might post a 25,000 views party sometime soon (maybe) and I'll also try to make some more graphics, write a new chapter of Fate to post on Saturday and add some cool new den tips.

For today's Think About it Thursday, I'll be posting a mini-contest. Remember--no copying.


Comment the exact location of these two snapshots. If you get both correct, I'll enter you in a random name picker and whoever gets picked will win a small prize. ^.^

Have an amazing day, jammers! :D


P.S. Did you know that this is our 403rd post?!?! Wow...


  1. They are bolth in jamaa township, you can see them on your way to the mira statue

  2. You make a lot of posts. Usually more than one per day. Maybe that's why you have over 400 posts now.

    A random page filled with swag, is my suggestion. (Funny stuff page) :3

  3. I think you have way too many awesome pages. :P

  4. Plushie comic, item graphics, Adventures, nonmember support, trading central (people make offers to trade on AJ), Tunnel Town, AJ Jump, games, parties, BRING BACK THE CHAT BOX, some sort of test for an author to become an admin, quotes (since you made all those posters already), memories, glitches and cool stuff, animals, art, jammer howls, videos.
    I have suggestions XDDDDDDDDDDDDD

  5. You should make a comic (plushie or other), a group like the Color Charity (from 2fangwolf's blog), A place to organize your parties, glitches and memories, funny stuff like pictures, featured jammer of the month and maybe featured scammer/hacker of the month. I agreed with some of Arcticpenguin's ideas so I put them here (like voting I guess) and took some of my own. :) -d66864 on AJ

    1. She already has the Happy Movement, which is sort of like a "charity", but I like the funny stuff idea. ^.^ Pages with laughs are what I find most appealing in blogs.

  6. I found the pics :3 i dont need ANY prizes whatsoever (Just playing fur fun :D) Peace ~Bunny Oh btw,i'll post the pics on meh blog jic


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