Saturday, March 21, 2015

Sun Visors + Saturday Commission Raffle (Last Week's Winners & New Raffle)!

Hi jammers! Ah, so happy it is the weekend. XD

The new item is the cheerful sun visor in Jam Mart Clothing!

I love this item so much! It isn't too expensive, and the colors are a happy reminder that spring is here!

Last week's Saturday Commission Raffle winner is... Mesha336! The random number generated by the generator was 74, leaving Mesha off by only 1, with her number of 73! She wins: 2 custom graphics, 1 custom header and 1 set of custom social media icons! You can also change the header to 2 custom signatures if you like.

For today's Saturday Commission Raffle, I will be giving away 3 custom signatures, 1 set of custom social media icons and 1 custom 'Grab My Button'! Just comment a number from 1-100 for a chance to win! :D

My teachers were mean and gave us a lot of homework over the weekend, so I better get started on that. >.< But I will probably post a chapter of Fate or a Happy Movement segment.



  1. The new item is super cute! ^-^

    Hmm.... I chose number 58.... I really need a "Grab a Button" ;-; ;-; ;-;

    Ah, I need a lot of luck :O

  2. Love this blog, I did a commission! So, a number, um, 38. Oh, yes and, would you like any payment? Of what sort?

    1. Thank you! Nope, payment for headers is purely optional. ^.^

  3. Hey panda just so you know when you click my banner for the animal jam claw blog it takes you to aj whip.



  4. Since I won how does this work? O,O

    ~Clueless mesha

    1. XD Just comment the details for the commissions you won, like you ordered them, except you don't have to pay for them. ^.^

    2. Ok, i will get that to you soon

  5. I want to change the header to 2 custom signatures if that's ok....

    Username: mesha336

    I would like one signature that says: Mesha336
    Could you make it look like this?

    The other signature I would like it to say: Animal Jam Videos (for my friend)
    Same style as the first one please

    Which Social Media Icons: youtube, google plus.
    Special Requests (be very specific): i would like it yellow and white (background be yellow, letters be white)
    Link to youtube:
    Link to google plus:
    Email or way of contacting you: Contact me @ or on animal jam.

    and i just want this (graphic) with a transparent background:


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