Saturday, March 7, 2015

Shamrock Glasses + Painted Heart + Saturday Commission Raffle!

Hi jammers! ^.^ How is your Saturday going? Hehe... I just finished the Lucky Clovers adventure for the 3rd time (it was my best timing though, it only took me 25 minutes XD) and yet again I got awful prizes. >.< I will probably use some of my epic chest prizes as some contest prizes for the new contest I will make later this weekend, so make sure to enter the existing contest before it ends later today! ^.^ Click here to enter it!

The new clothing item today is the shamrock glasses in Jam Mart Clothing!

Cute item! ^.^

Another new item is the painted heart for sale in Jam Mart Furniture!

Yet another cute item! :D

For today's Saturday Commission Raffle, I will be giving away 3 custom signatures, 1 custom headers and a set of custom social media icons. Just comment a number from 1 to 50 for a chance to win! ^.^ 

Note to Suzi00: Click here and make sure to comment the details for your commission! ^.^

Well jammers, I will probably post a new chapter of Fate later, as well as the new contest. :) Check back later! :D



  1. You know, if people are just playing the New Adventure just for the rares, why don't they play the Forgotten Desert instead? It's a lot easier and less time-consuming.

    1. I know. >.< I play it a lot because the Lucky prizes are so cute, but most people play it because they want rares and rare spikes. They probably have the same chance of getting those in the Forgotten Desert in about half the time. :T


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