Saturday, March 7, 2015

Jamaasian Snaps!

Hi jammers! :D I have decided to start a series called 'Jamaasian Snaps' on the AJGC! It will be a lot like Jammer Snaps on the DE. You might be wondering, "why on earth did that crazy panda call it 'Jamaasian Snaps'? That's just dumb. :P" Haha, yeah, the name is kind of boring. XD But I didn't want to call it 'Graphic Snaps' because that would be even more strange. So I settled on 'Jamaasian Snaps'.

Basically, I will announce a theme every week or so, and you will submit pictures relating to the theme. After the deadline, I will put them all together in a gif. Depending on how many entries there are, I may feature only a few of the snaps, but that depends... Anyways, the snaps that win will receive prizes (little items or rares).

I will announce the first theme tomorrow... so make sure to check back! ^.^



  1. The sunny shores of Crystal Sands, the dark Sarepia Forest, the towering heights of Mt. Shiveer. These worlds didn't exist until the Smart Bomb (*Wildworks*) team created them. Now all jammers can splash in the waves of Crystal Sands, climb the tallest trees in Sarepia Forest and trek up snowy Mt. Shiveer. How are worlds created? Environment designers draw their inspiration from real life biomes around the world. A few sketches kick-start the brainstorming and once an idea is fully formed, it's full steam ahead! Yet even when the finished world makes it's debut in Jamaa, it's still not quite done. You, the players, bring it to life by exploring and playing wild in it!

    Is that okay? The right description? That is the basic one.

  2. Where do we submit them?

    1. You can send your picture to me through email! :) If you don't have an email, or would rather not share it, then you can go to Google Drive ( and make a new document. Then, upload your drawing into the document and click the 'Share' button in the top right corner. Either click the 'Shareable Link' button (and copy that URL into a comment on this post) or enter my email address into the list of people that your document is shared with.


  3. I like the name. Jamaasian Snaps makes it seem like it comes from Old Jamaa. Jamaasian means Originally from Jamaa, and you get the point. -d66864 on AJ P.S- Sorry for late commenting, I don't mind staying up late on a Saturday, thought it's now Sunday, midnight past.

    1. Thanks! ^.^ And I hope that you aren't getting too tired by staying up too late to read this post... D: But thank you so much for commenting! :D


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