Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Wednesday Freebie + Jammer Shout-outs!

Hi jammers! There are no new items today- sad but true. ^.^ Because of that, this post might seem a bit shorter than usual...

Here is the Wednesday Freebie!

Haha- random promo code- eh? Anyways, the discount price is a small rare instead of a medium rare. Small rare means items like the rare star cape, rare tiara etc. 

To continue the theme of Jammer Shout-outs, here are just a few others!

Cutepups522: You are always a kind, funny and caring buddy to be around! I love reading your hilarious blog posts so much! And I thank you so so so much for commenting as much as you do on the AJGC! It means so much to me! :D

Lovely1147046: Ah- such a generous, nice, funny and sweet buddy! ^.^ You are truly irreplaceable, Lovely!

Suzi00: I haven't known you for too long, but your blog is fabulous, and so are you! I hope I can get to know you more soon! ^.^

purplestarclub: You are such a kind, caring and wonderful buddy! I love reading and commenting on your fabulous blog! :)

arcticpenguin661: This shoutout is for you- Arctic. Thank you so much for being one of the first viewers and the first author on the AJGC! And I love reading your hilarious comments. :P

paypayrod: You are a hilarious, sweet and kind buddy! Your blog is amazing as well!

Yikes- this post could be eternal if I were to list every one of my buddies and their qualities, so check back tomorrow for more. :P


  1. 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀 I love this blog. Great post

  2. I never expected to appear on here! Thanks so much, and you have an amazing blog! Your graphics are invaluable, and I love all your other things on this blog! Perhaps you could add how to add all the navigation page buttons on the side?


    -Suzi00 ^O^

    1. You are an amazing buddy, so I couldn't leave you out! :D And thank you so much! I will try, the load of studying and homework lately has been taking away from the time I have to blog and make commissions/graphics. >.<

  3. Thanks so much! :D You are also a GREAT buddy!!
    --purple ^-^


Hi guys! I am so happy you've decided to share your opinions on AJGC! Make sure to read/follow the following bullets:
- You guys probably know- no swearing, not even ***, no mocking or making fun of others and no judging.
- Free commenting (no moderation) is a privilege, if I see 1 inappropriate comment, comment moderation is turned on for all of you, sorry, I just don't want this to be an unsafe environment.
- If you are caught being mean to another viewer, you will have all of your comments deleted. You only have 2 chances before you are banned from ever having your comment appear again on the blog.
- I have absolutely no problem with you advertising your own blog/site in the comment section, I just request that you write an actual comment about the post or page before advertising your own site. Flat out advertising comments will not be deleted, but they make the comment area more of a spammy place- get what I mean?
- Please do not request diamond or membership codes. If you are looking for gem codes, then make sure to check out our Codes page. But if I catch you threatening another jammer, demanding a membership or diamond code, I will turn on comment moderation.
- When commenting anonymously, you must sign your username.
Sorry if these rules sounded harsh, I'm sure most of you already know the commenting rules, they are virtually the same for every blog.
Happy commenting!