Thursday, February 19, 2015

Updates + New Item + Think About it Thursday + More!

Hi jammers! There is a lot to cover today! :D

The new edition of the Jamaa Journal came out!

:O PET PONIES!!!! THEY ARE SO CUTE!!! THE EYES ARE ADORABLE!!! OH MY GOSH!!! They are SOOOOOOOOO cute!!! And their clothes are absolutely PRECIOUS! And those unicorn horns and wings.... absolutely priceless. But of course, they are in the Diamond Shop and I don't want to spend half my diamonds to get them. :T BUT THEY ARE SO JAMMIN' CUTE!! (Wow, I completely lost my sense of grammar in those last few sentences. :P)

Aww, that's sad! ): Snow leopards were one of my favorite animals in Jamaa. Luckily I already bought one awhile back, but make sure to buy one soon if you haven't already!

Hehe... this page is sort of self explanatory. But I have no idea why the Friendship Festival items are leaving so quickly after they arrived! >:O 

We all knew that, AJHQ. XD But the way they set up their pizza parlor is pretty fantastic! And wow- that crocodile statue in the corner (next to the fireplace) is way bigger than I thought it would be. XD

Have you noticed the amazing new Jam-a-Grams? Sadly, the cute Friendship Festival ones are gone, but there are two new fabulous stickers and a set of 3 new epic postcards- both with the theme of the Happy-Go-Lucky festival coming up! ^.^ 

New stickers
The new item (or returning item, I should say) is the emerald ring in Epic Wonders!

Yikes- so expensive. >.< I stocked up on these when they were out in stores a few months ago, and I do have to say, they go well with almost any outfit! ^.^

To continue on with the theme of those epic, cute horse pets, which pony is your favorite?

Pony 1:

Pony 2:

Pony 3:

If you have any pictures of you and your pet pony that you would like to send in, make sure to send them to

For Think About It Thursday...

Where do you think this armor came from? How do you think it was used?

What do you think this crystal is?

I wonder why Mira is surrounded by phantoms... what do you think this painting means?

Okay jammers- I will be in New Jersey all afternoon, so I don't think I will be able to post a lot. >.< I will make sure to post my Blogger World Tour post either before we leave or after we come back, and  the new contest may be posted later today, so make sure to keep checking back! ^.^


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