Thursday, February 26, 2015

New Background + Updates + Potted Clovers + Think About it Thursday!

NOTICE: If you ordered a commission with Google Forms, you will have to send it again through email or comment, since the commission Google Form randomly deleted itself last night. O,O

Hey jammers! ^.^ We have a lot to cover today, and I have a lot of homework, so I will make this post longer than usual, but it still may be a bit rushed.

When you logged into Animal Jam today, you probably noticed that the background changed!

Sadly the adorable winter background left, but the normal one is still cute. :)

The new Jamaa Journal has about 1 new page and around 10 other useless, repeated pages. :P

Yay! The next Lucky Party for me is in 1 hour, but as soon as I can go to one, I will publish a handy-dandy walkthrough/tour for you guys! ^.^ 

We all knew that, but that is a cute pony picture! 

These next pages were just repeats:

The new item is the potted clover in Treetop Gardens:

Cute item! ^.^

Here is what the Lucky Party icon thingy looks like:

Okayyyyyy... here is the Think About it Thursday! (sorry it's so short)

Where do you think those waters lead to? Another land?

Why do you think Elf Tail Armor is called Elf Tail Armor?

Did you ever notice that a picture of the smiling emoticon was hanging on Peck's Art Studio wall?

Bye for now jammers! Here are two new pictures that I got from the Adventure Base Camp that are kind of cool! You can use them without credit if you like! ^.^

Well jammers, I better go. >.< Ugh, homework...


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