Friday, February 13, 2015

Heart Rug + Friday Randomness + Graphics!

*Shoutout to my buddy, nafaria9, for one of the best contest prizes EVER! Thank you for the pink Bubbletron 5000, Naffy! ^.^*

NOTICE #1: The Blogger World Tour begins on Sunday, February 15th.
NOTICE #2: All graphic-related commissions have been stopped until further notice. They will return in around a week or so.

Hi jammers! Today was the last day of school before my February break began, so I am pretty happy. XD And tomorrow is Valentine's Day! :D

The new item is the fuzzy heart rug in Sunken Treasures!

Pretty cute item, and the price is decent. :P

For today's Friday Randomness, here is a quick promo code. :P (I was too busy to make a coupon image for it- sorry.)


Enter the code: HALLELUJAH in your commission orders for a discount off of all Deluxe Packs. 

The price of the pack would be reduced to a small rare instead of a medium one. :P

AJHQ sent out a newsletter via email yesterday, and here were a few graphics/backgrounds I found:

They can all be used without credit. :P

Okay jammers- better go! >.< I promise to post a more interesting post later, especially since it is Friday. :P


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