Sunday, February 1, 2015

Heart Bracelet + Non-Member Den Tip + Blogger World Tour Recap + Featured in Jammer Central!

Hi jammers! ^.^ Happy February 1st! (Superbowl Sunday- right?) I wish it were Saturday again... how come the weekend goes by so quickly? XD I do hear that I may have a snow day tomorrow, so I am hoping that it will snow a TON! :P

The new item is the heart bracelet in Jam Mart Clothing!

This item is so cute! ^.^ And hehe... I made a gif. :P Do you guys like being able to see all of the colors of the new item?

Here is a quick non-member den tip for you to check out! Just take all of the non-member items earned from the new adventure, Special Delivery and pile them up! You can also add a few other items as well!

In case you missed the Blogger World Tour post yesterday, here it is again!

To learn about this event, read the following info:

What is the event?

The Blogger World Tour is an event where 7 blogs get featured on this World Tour! For one week, each blog will make a post about the chosen topic for this year's World Tour. 

What is the theme?

The theme for this year's posts is... blogging tips and tricks!

How can my blog to be featured on the World Tour?

By commenting your blog's URL or name, you are entered in the event! You can also email it to me if you like. If more than 7 jammers enter their blog, then the 7 blogs to be featured will be chosen randomly. 

What will the posts look like?

On each blog, the owner or author will post a segment for the World Tour. This year, their post might look like this: Hi jammers! Welcome to the 3rd stop of the Blogger World Tour! Today, this post will tell you how to keep your blog neat and clean! Each stop will receive a custom header picture to place at the top of their World Tour post.

When will the World Tour start?

It depends on when we get at least 7 blogs to enter. It will start on the first Sunday after we have 7 blogs entered. 

I still have questions- where can I go?

If you still have questions about the World Tour, simply comment or email me your question!

I hope that will be exciting for everyone! On each post on the AJGC during the World Tour, at the top, I will make a link leading to that day's blog post. Remember- only one blog will have a post on one day of the week. So you only have to post on one of the days of the week. (Hopefully that answered your question, Nafaria9! :D) And you can post at any time of day when the tour stops at your blog! (Hopefully that answered your question, Lovely1147046!)

And for the third time in the past two weeks, I was featured in Jammer Central. :T I sent in a screenshot of jammers at one of the Jammer Calls around three weeks ago, and I just got a plaque for it... Did you know that by submitting your screenshots to Jammer Central, you can earn an Artist's Plaque?

Haha- see my chubby pink penguin there, circled in red? XD
Okay jammers- expect a Featured Graphics post later! ^.^


Hi guys! I am so happy you've decided to share your opinions on AJGC! Make sure to read/follow the following bullets:
- You guys probably know- no swearing, not even ***, no mocking or making fun of others and no judging.
- Free commenting (no moderation) is a privilege, if I see 1 inappropriate comment, comment moderation is turned on for all of you, sorry, I just don't want this to be an unsafe environment.
- If you are caught being mean to another viewer, you will have all of your comments deleted. You only have 2 chances before you are banned from ever having your comment appear again on the blog.
- I have absolutely no problem with you advertising your own blog/site in the comment section, I just request that you write an actual comment about the post or page before advertising your own site. Flat out advertising comments will not be deleted, but they make the comment area more of a spammy place- get what I mean?
- Please do not request diamond or membership codes. If you are looking for gem codes, then make sure to check out our Codes page. But if I catch you threatening another jammer, demanding a membership or diamond code, I will turn on comment moderation.
- When commenting anonymously, you must sign your username.
Sorry if these rules sounded harsh, I'm sure most of you already know the commenting rules, they are virtually the same for every blog.
Happy commenting!