Saturday, February 28, 2015

Fate - Chapter 2


The two friends dug and dug, their faces flushed from the stinging winds and their paws and toes numb with cold. The day was still new, and they knew that they still had a generous amount of work to do before the sun set and they could rest. 

"It's so cold out here... when will the day be over?" Sparkle asked, her shovel falling from her numb flippers.

"Keep digging," Mythical replied, shivering. She didn't want to answer Sparkle's question in fear that it would lower both of their spirits. They had around 12 more hours of work to do, but she didn't tell Sparkle that.

Suddenly, there was a loud clunk noise that came from Sparkle's shovel.

Sparkle's eyes grew wide. "I think I found something!" she shrieked, ferociously digging to uncover the item that her shovel had found. 

Mythical gasped, and bounded over to where Sparkle stood, sinking into the bottomless snow every few moments.

Sparkle kept digging, her flippers growing red with the burn of the hard metal shovel digging into her skin. But she kept going.

Finally, after around 10 more minutes of digging, a brown wooden chest could be seen under the snow. Mythical knelt down and began to scoop away the snow around the chest with her paws. It stung painfully, but she did it anyway, her astonishment numbing the pain.

When the chest was uncovered, they heaved it out of the snow, panting.

"It's a treasure box!" Sparkle cried, a wide grin stretched across her face.

"What's inside??!?!" Mythical asked, not sure she could wait a moment longer.

With trembling hands, Sparkle unlatched the box and peered inside. A gold light danced across her face from whatever was inside the chest.

"It's GOLD!" Sparkle shrieked, scooping up a handful of shimmering, golden flakes from the chest.

"No way!" Mythical yelled back, looking inside the chest as well. "The Gofnak were right! There IS gold under all this snow!"


"We can finally present her with the gold!" Sparkle said happily.

"No!" Mythical replied. "We can't let them get the gold. They will know that the rumors of gold being under the snow are true, and they will make us work double to find all of the gold. It will never end."

"We have nowhere to hide it!" Sparkle said. 

Countess's footsteps could be heard from inside the camp. 

Mythical glanced at the cave next to them. "We can both go in there with the treasure," she whispered. 

"No, I am NOT going!" Sparkle protested. "That monster lives in there!"

"Trust me, Sparkle. We have to do this," Mythical said, and began dragging the chest into the cave.

Reluctantly, Sparkle helped push the chest into the dark cave. 

They found a nook to the right of the cave entrance where they could hide the chest without it being seen from the outside. 

"Now we can pretend we were-" Mythical began.

But Countess was already out the door of the camp building surveying their empty digging station.

"WHERE DID YOU LITTLE BRATS GO?!" She yelled, scampering delicately across the snow banks in search of them.

"Quickly!" Mythical whispered, tugging Sparkle towards another nook in the cave. "In here!"

They huddled in the space, not daring to breath. Countess peered towards the cave, trying to make out any forms in the darkness. But the treasure chest and the two orphans were hidden too well to be seen. 

After a few minutes of searching their digging site, Countess turned to search the other areas of the camp. 

The two of them crouched in the darkness, still too afraid to move.


I hope you enjoyed the 2nd chapter! ^.^ Stay tuned for more!


Clover Earmuffs + DE + Saturday Commission Raffle!

*Make sure to enter the new contest by clicking here!*

Hey jammers! 

The new item is the clover earmuffs in Jam Mart Clothing!

Ooh, those look so cozy! And the price is amazing! The colors that this item comes in are stunning as well. Nice job with this item, AJHQ!

I don't know if anyone noticed yet, but I added the Achievements Guide page a few days ago. :) Make sure to check that out. 

And there is also the poll that quite a few people have voted on already that will end in 2 days! ^.^

Yes, I know, I am throughly obsessed with 'What Should I Add to the Blog?' polls. :P

The DE posted this adorable picture of the owl mini book. :) Click the picture below to view the post, and the link below that to download the mini book from our very own Animal Jam Graphic Central FUN Blog!

For today's commission raffle, I am offering a make-your-own pack. So if you win, you can pick any 4 custom design items (like headers, signatures, blog sidebars etc.) and up to 5 gadgets. Just comment a number from 1 - 100! :)

I better go, but I will probably post either a Happy Movement segment or a new chapter or two of Fate


Friday, February 27, 2015

Leprechaun Hat + Lucky Party Tour + Friday Randomness!

*Check out the new blog by clicking here!*

Hi jammers! I only have an hour (56 minutes, to be exact) to make this post, which for me is like 10 seconds because I take so long to make these posts. XD At school today I got to go to a special math class where we began learning HTML coding! So soon I may be able to create small HTML-based gadgets for you guys! So far I can only make a rectangle. XD

The new item is the leprechaun hat in Jam Mart Clothing:

Pretty cute item! ^.^ And the colors it comes in are super fun! :D

Speaking of Happy-Go-Lucky, here is a tour of the brand-new party that has come to Jamaa!

When you first enter there is a small wishing well and a Happy-Go-Lucky shop/stand where you can buy some items!

The six items at the Lucky Shop include: Clover Balloons, Clover Table, Clover Chair, Clover Patch, Lucky Clover and Pot O' Gold. They are all around 150 gems to 500 gems. 

When you go down, there is a green cobblestone pathway with a clover formed by smaller clovers in the center.

Inside the party, there is an assortment of green items (including a sofa arrangement, oversized paw print rug, and green tea set) and the music for sale.

The music for sale is the Happy-Go-Lucky music. 

There are patches of grass and clovers surrounding the green paved patio outside. 


Name of Den: Small House 

Shops: Lucky Shop (one is for furniture, one is for music)

Items for Sale: Clover Balloons, Clover Table, Clover Chair, Clover Patch, Lucky Clover, Pot O' Gold and Happy-Go-Lucky (music).

Main Color Scheme: Green

Easter Eggs (secrets): By clicking on the clover in the center of the paths, your animal will get a clover floating next to them.

Well, I hope you enjoyed that walkthrough. :P 

For today's Friday Randomness, I will be making den tips based on the arrangements in the Lucky Party!

Happy-Go-Lucky Sofa Arrangement

What You Need:

6 green sectional sofas
1 clover table
1 clover chair

Happy-Go-Lucky Patio Arrangement

What You Need:

Lots of grass patches
2-5 clover patches
1 Pot O' Gold

Happy-Go-Lucky Outdoor Arrangement

What You Need:

2 clover benches
1 clover table

Sorry that they were so lame. :P 

Okay jammers, I got to go. D:


Thursday, February 26, 2015

New Background + Updates + Potted Clovers + Think About it Thursday!

NOTICE: If you ordered a commission with Google Forms, you will have to send it again through email or comment, since the commission Google Form randomly deleted itself last night. O,O

Hey jammers! ^.^ We have a lot to cover today, and I have a lot of homework, so I will make this post longer than usual, but it still may be a bit rushed.

When you logged into Animal Jam today, you probably noticed that the background changed!

Sadly the adorable winter background left, but the normal one is still cute. :)

The new Jamaa Journal has about 1 new page and around 10 other useless, repeated pages. :P

Yay! The next Lucky Party for me is in 1 hour, but as soon as I can go to one, I will publish a handy-dandy walkthrough/tour for you guys! ^.^ 

We all knew that, but that is a cute pony picture! 

These next pages were just repeats:

The new item is the potted clover in Treetop Gardens:

Cute item! ^.^

Here is what the Lucky Party icon thingy looks like:

Okayyyyyy... here is the Think About it Thursday! (sorry it's so short)

Where do you think those waters lead to? Another land?

Why do you think Elf Tail Armor is called Elf Tail Armor?

Did you ever notice that a picture of the smiling emoticon was hanging on Peck's Art Studio wall?

Bye for now jammers! Here are two new pictures that I got from the Adventure Base Camp that are kind of cool! You can use them without credit if you like! ^.^

Well jammers, I better go. >.< Ugh, homework...


Wednesday, February 25, 2015


I made a transparent version of your Animal jam Whip Awards banner. I know you didn't order it, but I was bored. Let me know if you need any changes! Here it is:

Leprechaun Gnome + Commission Code + Other Stuff!

Hi! Umm... yeah. Hi. School has been AWFUL lately. Ever since the start of 3rd quarter, there has been a whole lot more work. >.< And I don't even want to THINK about what 7th grade will be like next year if 6th grade is hard enough. :(

Anyways, the new item is this creepy, humanized leprechaun thingy in Jam Mart Furniture...

Wow, that is SO creepy, at least to me. I mean, a mouse leprechaun is just weird. And that gnome is so expensive!!!

Sorry, I better get started on my HW, so here is a quick commission code that I whipped up. :P

Yeah. So you can now get a Deluxe Pack for a discounted price of only a small rare instead of a medium rare. If any of you have more 'exciting' ideas for the Wednesday Freebies, please leave them below! I've basically used all of the possible commission coupons, and I can't make graphics every Wednesday. XP

On the DE they posted a new Jammer Spotlight.

Notice anything? Look at the image for a few moments and see if you saw one of the things that was different about this picture. When you think you have found one or have given up, scroll down to see the answer.

The image is transparent!

Yep! AJHQ finally moved away from having those weird beige backgrounds, and now has transparent backgrounds! :D Yay!

Well, ciao for now jammers!


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Animal Jam Comic #11- Friendship Comic Finale!

Haha, that party looks awesome! ^.^ Make sure to download your free Friendship Festival Comic background!

To download, right click on the image and click Save Image As or Download Image and look for the image in your files and downloads.
That background will be added to the Backgrounds/Desktop Backgrounds page! ^.^ It is so cute!

What do you think of the finale of this comic series?

Clover Fountain + Tuesday Tips!

Hi jammers! Sorry for the late post, I was staying after school to make an iMovie about the painting Freedom of Speech with my English group. >.<

Well, the new item is the clover fountain in Jam Mart Furniture...

This is a pretty neat item. :P Nice colors and all. :)

For today's Tuesday Tips, I will make some Happy-Go-Lucky outfits. :P Here we go! (sorry that there are only two, because I stayed after I have to get on my homework faster XP)

And if you are non-member, try making an outfit with green items! A lei, green pirate sword, green worn, green bow and arrows, clover blanket etc.

Ciao jammers, I am seriously sorry about the small post! >.<
