Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Sun Lamp + DE Post + Graphic + Room Spotlight + Shoutout!

Hi jammers! I am sorry there hasn't been a new edition of the Happy Movement in awhile, I have just been so busy. >.<

The new item is the sun lamp, in Jam Mart Furniture!

This is a cute item, and it comes in many bold and fun colors! I just wish it was...

- Less money (400 gems for a lamp?!?!) I would prefer 250-300 gems.
- For non-members! The last item released yesterday was also for members. ):

The Daily Explorer's post was about some of the new art submitted by some very creative jammers! It was of phantom snowmen! I entered, but my drawing wasn't very good. :P These jammers (and everyone else who entered) made beautiful drawings! Take a look!

They also ended their post with an adorable gif of two pandas! ^.^ Aww... (being me- a panda-lover, this was too cute to handle)

Here is a new graphic of the warning sign in Mt. Shiveer! You can use it with credit to me.

by awesomepanda868

Here is a random rose I drew in Peck's Art Studio earlier:

Bad- huh? XD

For today's room spotlight, we will be focusing on Outback Imports!

Outback Imports is located in Kimbara Outback, and sells a variety of (mostly stone) furniture items.

Using the color-coding in the picture above, here is a few facts/details...
Red: Have you ever noticed that carving of the koala and kangaroo above the archway?
Pink: This is the door/entryway to Outback Imports.
Blue: These are the clickable items that bring you to the shop page when you click on them.

Outback Imports currently sells the following items:

Here is another picture of the interior of Outback Imports:

That concludes today's spotlight! ^.^

I saw a super kind jammer in Jamaa Township today! Look at what she was saying!

She was asking if anyone needed help with anything! A few new jammers asked her questions (such as: Where can I find adventures?) and she answered them helpfully and kindly! This jammer definitely deserves a shout-out!

Okay jammers- have an awesome day!


  1. Adorable panda gif! The today's room spotligh is very helpful for new Jammers!

  2. That rose looks good!
    That fox is nice!
    Very helpful indeed.
    You don't have to post a Happy Movement segment every day.

    1. Thanks! They drew it in the beginning of the Mira SketchJam. :)
      XD Thanks, otherwise I would be drowning in a combo of posting pressure and schoolwork. :P


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