Friday, January 2, 2015

Ski Jump

Hi jammers! Sorry for the late post- I was in New Jersey all day and couldn't post. ^.^ Well- I hope you liked my quick post about the AddThis sharing buttons earlier... XD I would also appreciate it if you could give me a small mention in one of your posts or in your footer for the share buttons- they took me a long time to find.
Anyways, the new item is the Pet Ski Jump in Jam Mart Furniture! It is animated, so the adorable penguin skis down the ramp and then goes back up the ski lift!

Sorry guys... I keep letting you guys down... I have absolutely nothing to post about today... I feel so bad... I promise a better post with graphics, a Happy Movement segment, a new contest and other fun things tomorrow! 
Bye- sorry!!!!!


Hi guys! I am so happy you've decided to share your opinions on AJGC! Make sure to read/follow the following bullets:
- You guys probably know- no swearing, not even ***, no mocking or making fun of others and no judging.
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- I have absolutely no problem with you advertising your own blog/site in the comment section, I just request that you write an actual comment about the post or page before advertising your own site. Flat out advertising comments will not be deleted, but they make the comment area more of a spammy place- get what I mean?
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Sorry if these rules sounded harsh, I'm sure most of you already know the commenting rules, they are virtually the same for every blog.
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