Saturday, January 17, 2015

'Cuz Cutepups is Just THAT Awesome!

Hi everyone! ^.^ Today, I prepared a special treat for one of my friends, Cutepups522! She writes this awesome story, about two foxes, Duke and Twinkle. I still have to get around to reading all the chapters, but what I have read is spectacular! As a little thank-you present for: commenting so much on the AJGC, being an amazing buddy and as a congratulations gift for her new writing class, here is a derpy fan-art I made for Twinkle's story! ^.^

You are so much better at making cool quotes in your story than I am. XD I mean seriously- how did you come up with that?!?! :O Anyways, I hope you like the banner! Sorry it is kind of pixel-y and not very good but... I had to make something. :)

Here are the graphics of Twinkle and Duke, in case you'd like to use them for something! Though, the graphics you made of them on your banner were amazing, especially so, seeing as they were your first ones!!! I loved them! Who knows what your next ones may look like... :wiggles eyebrows: XD

Have an amazing day everyone! ^.^ 




    1. :D Thanks! No problem! I loved making it, and you really deserved it! :)

  2. *sends virtual hug*



    Oh, you've got to be kidding me! Curses, lag, CURSES! >:O

    Almost done.


    Yay, it's sent! ^•^

    There ya go! ;)

  3. Do you mind if I use that banner you made for my blog at some point? (I think I know the answer- just making sure. ^-^)

  4. The quote is first explained in Chapter 21. <3

  5. What app did you use? Note that if looked into closely, there's a bit of black smudges by Twinkle's and Duke's head, and some by Duke's tail.

    1. I used Pixlr. :) Yeah, I kind of messed up on the graphics, I was really tired and it was like 10:00 PM at night after a really long day. XD

    2. Oh yeah. I used PicMonkey to make my graphics. And that's also why they're slightly brighter than they would be usually on AJ. ^.^

    3. XD I wish I had PicMonkey- it looks awesome! ^.^ Is it free?

    4. PicMonkey is free. But to use EVERY SINGLE FEATURE, it costs money. I've heard of Pixlr, but you need to download it to use it, and I'm too lazy to. X3

    5. Cool! I'll try it out! ^.^ And if you use the online Pixlr, you don't have to download it.

  6. meow ^w^
    you're good at graphics! (Surprisingly, I was just about to try to make some for Cutepups until I found this ha ha. GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE HEHE) You know that quote, I love that quote. I'm gonna make something with it now 030

    - Gamer | The crazy blogger -

    1. Meow! ^.^
      Thanks! XD I love that quote as well! :D

    2. Wait. Which quote? The "great minds think alike" or my derpy quote? If it's for my derpy quote:
      ;w; hi

      ~ Cutepups, whose cat almost ate a mouse whole. c;

    3. it's yer quote you pupios ;w;


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