Saturday, December 6, 2014

Jamaailday Gift #6 + Jamaailday Jam Party Tour + Animal Jam Printables

Hi jammers! I know Arctic already posted today, but I just wanted to post a tour of the Jamaailday Jam! You may know from Arctic's post that the daily advent gift today is a diamond for members and an Anemone Head Bow.

This was my first time at the Jamaailday Jam this Jamaailday season, so I decided to post a photo tour on the party!

The picture for the party is so cute! I love the snowflake and jolly greens!

This is the main room in the Gingerbread House den. Notice how precious those cute little cups of cocoa are that are on the tray! Adorable! And the room is decorated with wreaths, gingerbread and candy and lots of decorations! This room is the essence of Jamaaildays, don't you think?

Here you can relax on the ice couch and chair or guess what glorious presents lay inside those beautifully wrapped gifts near the fireplace!

In this chocolate pool, you can get your animal covered in the delicious stuff by just soaking in it, or doing an action (such as playing, hopping, sleeping, dancing etc.) to get your animal drenched in chocolate faster! What kind of chocolate do you think it is, jammers? Dark or milk?

This is the area where you can prepare to shoot down the snow sled slides! It is also where you can buy a cute pet reindeer for only 400 gems! Make sure not to take any presents from the sleigh though!

Here you can warm your cold fur and tell spooky stories around the candy fire! By clicking on the fire you can earn your animal a sweet and sticky s'more!

This is the first page of the Jamaailday Shop. The Mira and Zios ornaments are great additions of Jamaa legend to your Epic Jamaailday tree, and the candy cane rug is perfect for any room to add a but of Jamaailday cheer! The phantom Jamaailday plushie is really cute- I love it so much! The train tracks are just what I would imagine would be under a tree on Jamaailday morning, and the Happy Jamaaildays! banner is great to hang on your wall to celebrate this pawsome holiday!

This is the second page of the Jamaailday Shop. The snow is really cool- I like how it can be placed on your gutter in your den, because there aren't many items like it. And isn't the Jamaailday cupcake dog house so adorable?! I just want to gobble it all up, especially the frosting! The snowflakes are great for hanging anywhere- they add some winter cheer to any den, without having to buy a snow cloud! Gumdrops have always been one of my favorites, they can be used for so many things! They can make pathways, art, centerpieces and so much more! The two plants at the end are really neat- they have pawsome lights to bring some brightness to the room and the palm and baobab trees are such pretty plants!

I hope you enjoyed the tour of the party!
I have a featured den to show you guys! Congrats to Lovely1147046 for her pawsome arrangement of gumdrops to make a gumdrop pathway! Isn't it great?!

Here are some really cool Animal Jam printables from a website called SmallForBig! AJHQ teamed up with it and created these! Click here to get them and print them!
Well, bye for now jammers!


  1. Heres one for Appondale:

    And Kimbara:


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