Thursday, December 4, 2014

Jamaailday Gift #4 + Jamaa Journal Update + New Items

Hi jammers! When you logged in today, you should have gotten a diamond and a candy cane fence! The candy cane fence was a previous year's Jamaailday gift as well, I think.

There was also a Jamaa Journal update! Check out the newest things happening around Jamaa!

Not much to talk about here, but I'm happy that the Jamaaildays are here- aren't you? They bring such awesome festivities and cheerfulness to Jamaa!

Yay! This Gingerbread House den looks nifty! A chocolate pool also sounds quite delicious... better keep me away from that! XD I'll eat everything! :nom nom nom:

Make sure to stop by the Diamond Shop to check out some of the paw-some 1 diamond deals happening in the Jamaailday Gift Bag! They are all for everyone, and at a great price as well!

Have you checked out the epic Jamaailday Jam yet, jammers? You can buy ornaments for the Epic Jamaailday Tree and pet reindeer! The reindeer are most certainly worth every last gem! They are adorable!

This was mentioned in the last Jamaa Journal, but I guess- cool! I love advent calendar type things- so much fun!

This was also mentioned in the last Jamaa Journal, but the polar bear pets are so cute! I wish I was allowed to buy gift cards!

There are new items for sale around Jamaa! Check out the Epic Jamaailday Tree, making it's annual return in Jam Mart Furniture!

I love this item! It really is, let's say... epic. It is humongous! 
New items are also for sale in the Diamond Shop! Welcome the panda claw (I really want that!!!!) and the long bow!

Weren't long bows considered "rare" or "beta" earlier this year? For some reason I remember people really wanting them. And this panda claw is just too cute for words! 
I made a graphic of a koala earlier, here is a transparent version and a white background version. The transparent one has the eyes sort of messed up, sorry!
by awesomepanda868

by awesomepanda868

I also just realized that if you appear on your own buddy list, you can send yourself mail and even gifts! It's fun, especially is you're bored XD

Well, got to go jammers! See you around!


  1. Awesome post! This update was not bad. Sadly, non-members don't get the diamonds. Only members get them. :(

    1. Thanks! And yes, the update wasn't bad. I love all the Jamaailday cheer around Jamaa, don't you? They don't?! I wish AJHQ let all jammers do more things, it seems as though more and more things and for members only!
      Thanks for commenting :)


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