Thursday, December 18, 2014

Jamaailday Gift #18 + Jamaa Journal Updates + New Items + Popcorn Flavors...?

Hi jammers! The daily advent gift today is the Giant Ornament!

I think they come in different colors/patterns, because mine doesn't look like the one in the picture. 

And here is the graphic (white background) of today's Jamaailday gift!

There is also a new Jamaa Journal update! 

Yay! The pet foxes are back! (Look later in the post for more about pet foxes!)

This is basically just a reminder about the Jamaailday Rescue adventure, which is one of my favorites! The prizes are just so cute and perfect for the holidays!

New items?! That sounds exciting! ^.^ (Look later in the post for some of the new items that were released today!) And after that, just a reminder about the daily advent gifts!

2015 is coming! Yay! Even though 2014 was an exciting and fun year, it will be fun to start fresh and new! The New Year's Party is always an interesting party!

I wish I could get Animal Jam gift cards, but unfortunately, I can't. That polar bear pet looks adorable though! ^.^

In Jam Mart Furniture, loads of new items are for sale- a page and a half, just today!

The ornaments and decorations are so festive! I managed to afford a Jamaailday lamp post, candycane ornament and a stocking ornament! I really would like to string some of those holiday lights and flowers around my den though! Better start saving up, because more and more Jamaailday items will be arriving each day! ^.^

And in Jam Mart Clothing, there is a Jamaailday Gift Hat! Hopefully your animal can balance all these presents on their head! :stack of gifts wobbles: O.o

Jamaa also has some pawsome new loading screens! Aren't these so jolly and jamtastic?!

As I mentioned earlier, there are tons of new items in the stores! But have you noticed how the popcorn string comes in many different colors? I made some guesses about what some of those wacky colors might mean, flavor-wise!

This looks like plain popcorn. Maybe with a pinch of salt or butter?

Umm... WHY IS THERE NEON GREEN POPCORN?!?!?!?!? XD But really, this flavor is a wacky one. Maybe it is lime? Or kiwi?

Looks like someone burned their popcorn... I think this one might taste like... well... burnt popcorn.

This may be grape or eggplant flavored. Can you think of any other purple foods?

Cherry? Apple? 

Possibly raspberry? 

Blueberry, probably. 

Yet again... why is the popcorn green AJHQ? O.o This might taste like some sort of vegetable, like broccoli or spinach. Maybe it would taste like the neon green one, and be lime or kiwi.

This could be either buttered popcorn, lemon flavored, or banana! XD

If you can think of any other possible flavors, be sure to let me know! ^.^

I bought a pet fox at the Diamond Shop today and it is named Zippywings! I normally make all my pets pink, but I decided to make this one all white, like an Arctic Fox. I am not sure what type of clothes Zippy should have, so if you like, you can vote which outfit is better!


Sorry, I had to put the beret in all of them! XD I love berets!!!!! ^.^

Be sure to enter your Secret Santa entries soon! Lots of people have entered, and I am really happy! The Secret Santa's will be announced tomorrow, so get your entries in by later today or early tomorrow if you can! ^.^

There was also some adorable, cute, adorable, cute, adorable, cute fox artwork in The Daily Explorer today! XD THE EYES OF THE PET FOX ARE SO CUTE IN THIS PICTURE!!!! O.O

Okay jammers- got to go! Have a fantabulous day! :D

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