Monday, December 15, 2014

Jamaailday Gift #15 + Graphics + RIM + Party Invite + SPECIAL EVENT COMING SOON!

Hi jammers! The daily advent gift today is the returning Gift Express! All aboard! :horn toots: XD

So sorry for the late post! To make up for it, I have made two transparent graphics for you today! The first one is of today's advent gift (this and those before it can be found on the Seasonal Graphics page) and one I made yesterday randomly.

by awesomepanda868

by awesomepanda868

The RIM (Rare Item Monday) today is for sale in Jam Mart Clothing and is the festive Jamaailday Top Coat! ^.^

Okie-dokie! Here is the party invitation again in case you didn't see it yesterday, or you just want to see it again. 

(click to enlarge invite)

I am open to new times! If you need help with time zones, please feel free to contact me via email or comments, but you can always use out trusty friend- ZE INTERNET! XD
If you read my over-excited title, then you saw my, "SPECIAL EVENT COMING SOON!". Well, yes, I have prepared a special, annual, Jamaailday event! It will be announced later tonight, so make sure to check back! ^.^ (If you like to spoil surprises, it can be found on my YouTube channel and on my main blog, Shhh... you heard nothing.... :backs away mysteriously:)
Well- better start setting up the event post! ZE GRAND REVEAL WILL BE NEXT POST! XD The next post will be later tonight (or in a few minutes XD). Make sure to check back!!!!!!! :D
(Sorry, I am really hyper and crazy today :P)

♥♥♥♥♥ (Hey- did you know this is our 73rd post and we have reached 2,600 views? Thanks so much guys! :hugs:) ♥♥♥♥♥

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