Monday, January 29, 2018

hello again!!

hi guys! it's panda here! omg eeek it's been nearly a whole year since i made my whole dramatic 'i'm quitting' post and today i remembered this blog and decided to check back up on it. :)

i'm so honored to see all the comments and emails and messages you've sent me, and reading them brings me such joy~ you all mean so much to me, and even though i had a pretty awful day today, i'm so happy i decided to check back up on this blog because your messages have made me feel so happy. :') you are all literally the BEST people on the entire planet, and i'm so lucky to have ever had any of you support me.

and today i also logged into animal jam for the first time in over a year and it was so strange? ahaha i haven't seen my animal in so long, or my den, or the interface or the jam-a-gram's, and it nearly brought me to tears, seeing all of these things which i had spent hours looking at when i was littler. i truly loved and worshiped that game, and so it will always hold a most special place in my heart.

i don't know if anyone is still following this blog, or if anyone will see this even? ahaha, but wow, i'm so incredibly honored and thankful for all of you, and even though i've said that already like 100 times, i'll say it 1,000 times more because iTS SO TRUE BAAHAHA <3

in case any of you are wondering what's been going on in my life recently, i'll just say that high school (i started freshman year this past september!) has been absolute torture and so stressful, but i've found a new passion for kpop and am still editing a lot!! i actually have an account on wattpad, and if anyone else does too, i'd love to follow you and we can talk more there, ahaha~

and as i'm sure many of you will be asking, unfortunately no, i will not be editing this blog or updating this blog any further. although i very much would like to, i just don't have the time or the motivation anymore, and i'd almost like to keep this blog as a kind of time capsule of these precious times from my childhood where i would spend hours updating and editing and talking with all of you lovely people. :')

ah, look at me, getting all sentimental again, wahaha~ but anywaysss i guess this is goodbye again for now! i'll try to check in again more frequently in the future, but as i said, i doubt i'll be making any other huge updates to the blog!

question for the comments: what's one cool thing that's happened in your life since we last talked? :)

play wild and jam on! (wow this sounds so ridiculous now omg ahaha)
~ panda