Sunday, November 20, 2016


Hello, I'm Cosmic, if you haven't seen by now. Anyways, before I post the commission I just finished, I'd like you all to know that I moderate the chat box in the footer. So if you post something bad, I will post you to our Asana. I'd like to put this out (whoa, Cosmic, with the "formal" talk!) that a few days ago, someone had an inappropriate name and was saying inappropriate stuff. Anyways, onto the commission. (WHOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAA, Blogger can now add special characters! This is what you get if you've been on sort of a Blogger hiatus..)

Here is a commission for Akmlynx!

I hope you like it, it only took me 5 minutes but that's about the time I use for headers & signatures.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this post/mini rant!

Ciao, and Comet On! (it feels quite nice to type that again..)