Wednesday, December 31, 2014

*EXCLUSIVE* New & Old Graphics Exclusively Made by the AJGC!

Hi jammers! In honor of it being almost the New Year, I am publishing some of my "best" graphics that I have made this year! Please give credit if you use them, unless they specifically say that you don't have to give credit. Thanks! ^.^ Here we go...

White Background Blank Trade Request Sign

by awesomepanda868

Transparent "Visit Animal Jam Outfitters" Sign

by awesomepanda868

Transparent "Jamaa" In Animal Jam Logo Font

by awesomepanda868

Transparent Epic Jamaailday Tree Graphic

by awesomepanda868

 Transparent Membership Lock

by awesomepanda868

Transparent Cami's Frog Graphic

by awesomepanda868

Transparent Gumdrop Graphic

by awesomepanda868 (no credit needed)

Transparent Rare Jamaailday Earmuffs Graphic

by awesomepanda868 (no credit needed)

Art Contest Header

by awesomepanda868

Transparent Bitter Sweets Candy Graphic 

by awesomepanda868

Transparent Wood Flooring Graphic 

by awesomepanda868 (no credit needed)

Transparent Fox Plushie Afro Graphic

by awesomepanda868

 Transparent Curled Up Arctic Fox Graphic

by awesomepanda868

Transparent Gift Bag Graphic

by awesomepanda868 

Transparent Gift Express Graphic

by awesomepanda868

Transparent Blank Official AJHQ Help Desk Parchment

by awesomepanda868

Transparent Conservation Wreath

by awesomepanda868

Transparent "Free" Button Graphic

by awesomepanda868

Transparent Koala Graphic

by awesomepanda868

Transparent Fat Pink Ladybug Graphic 
by awesomepanda868

Transparent Red & White Fox Head Graphic

by awesomepanda868

Transparent Fat Orange Ladybug Graphic 
by awesomepanda868

I hope you like these graphics! I just want to clarify- even if I say I don't require credit for the graphic, if someone asks you where you got it or who made it, you cannot say that you made it. Just tell them that awesomepanda868 made it, or you got it from the AJGC. Thanks! ^.^

Jamaailday Gift #31 + Snowman Throne + Graphics + Happy New Year's Eve!

Hi jammers! Today was the last Jamaailday gift of 2014! It was a diamond for members and a string of icicle lights! ^.^

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Animal Jam Comic- Behind the Scenes!

It was so cool to see how the artists of AJHQ make their fantastic comics! ^.^ Have you ever made a comic before, jammers?

Jamaailday Gift #30 + Graphics + New Item!

*Make sure to enter in the contests on our new Contest Blog! Especially the Jamaailday Contest, ending tomorrow!*
*Check out the DE Emotes Guide!*
*Have you seen the cool Animal Jam Free Printables?*

Hiya jammers! The daily advent gift today is the returning snow globe! ^.^ Do you like this item? I personally do- probably because there is an adorable panda inside it. XD

Monday, December 29, 2014

Animal Jam Birthday Party : Free Downloadable Printables - Activities, Party Hats, Coloring Pages and More!

Hi jammers! I saw these cute printables on the Free Downloads page on The Daily Explorer, and in case you haven't seen them yet, they are for an Animal Jam-themed birthday party! Here are the printables in case you want an Animal Jam birthday party! It sounds super fun! ^.^

Animal Jam Birthday Party- Invitations : Free Downloadable Printable (You can print out some of the graphics on this site and then using a sticker maker, use the graphics as seals for the envelopes you put the invites in!)
Animal Jam Birthday Party- Party Hats : Free Downloadable Printable (Suggestion: print on card stock paper for a harder and more durable party hat.)

These printables are not the property of the AJGC, they are under ownership of SmartBomb Interactive.

You can even do some of National Geographic's fun activities and coloring crafts during your Animal Jam-themed birthday party! Here are some of my favorites:

Animal Jam Activities- Snowy Owl Pet : Free Downloadable Printable

Animal Jam Activities- Wooden Deer Frame Ornament : Free Downloadable Printable

Animal Jam Activities- Liza Mask : Free Downloadable Printable

Animal Jam Activities- Greely Mask : Free Downloadable Printable

Animal Jam Activities- Sir Gilbert Mask : Free Downloadable Printable

Animal Jam Activities- Bunny "Hop On In!" Door Hanger : Free Downloadable Printable

Animal Jam Activities- Phantom "Beware Phantoms!" Door Hanger : Free Downloadable Printable

Animal Jam Activities- Create Your Own Polar Bear Mini-Book : Free Downloadable Printable

Animal Jam Activities- Create Your Own Panda Mini-Book : Free Downloadable Printable

Animal Jam Activities- Create Your Own Otter Mini-Book : Free Downloadable Printable

Animal Jam Activities- Penguin Soccer Jersey Coloring Page : Free Downloadable Printable

Animal Jam Activities- Animals Holding Presents Coloring Page : Free Downloadable Printable

Animal Jam Activities- Animals at Summer Carnival Coloring Page : Free Downloadable Printable

Animal Jam Activities- Soccer Game Coloring Page : Free Downloadable Printable

Animal Jam Activities- "Spot the Difference" Octopus Puzzle : Free Downloadable Printable

Animal Jam Activities- "Connect the Dots" Mola Puzzle : Free Downloadable Printable

Whew- that took a long time typing and linking all those activities! XD I hope you have fun with them- even if it isn't your birthday! ^.^
Have a happy day!

How to Have a Title-Less Image Gadget on Blogger : A Tutorial

Have you ever had one of those image gadgets where you didn't want to have a title for it? Blogger forces you to title your image gadgets- but there is a neat little trick to get out of this mandatory title!
On your image gadget, (in Layout preferably) insert: <!– –>  as the title! This makes the image have no title, and it doesn't take up any extra room!
You can also insert the "-" lines to make a nice little break line between each of your gadgets, but I suggest the other option.
I hope this helped! You don't have to give this blog, me or anyone credit for using this trick! ^.^

*This is our 100th post! ^.^*

Jamaailday Gift #29 + Graphics + RIM + Code!

*Make sure to enter in the contests on our new Contest Blog! Especially the Jamaailday Contest, ending on December 31st!*
*Check out the DE Emotes Guide!*

Hi jammers! The daily advent gift is the returning inflatable snowman, as well as a diamond for members!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

New Code

There is a new code: winter.
It will give you 500 gems! Hope that can go towards your holiday savings! ^.^
Have a jolly day!

Jamaailday Gift #28 + Graphic + New Item + New Year's Party!

*Make sure to enter in the contests on our new Contest Blog!*
*Check out the DE Emotes Guide!*

Hi jammers! The Jamaailday advent gift today is the adorable snowman fridge!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Animal Jam Graphic Central!: The Official DE Emotes Guide

Animal Jam Graphic Central!: The Official DE Emotes Guide: Hi jammers! I'm sure you have all noticed the neat emotes AJHQ has on their blog, The Daily Explorer? Have you ever wondered how to get those emotes in your comments on the DE? With this handy-dandy guide, you can! Be sure to check it out!

Featured Graphics #3

Hi jammers! I have some pawsome new graphics sent in by jammers like you! I also collected some graphics made by other jammers that have been posted on blogs! ^.^ Have fun browsing this collection of amazing art!

by CelestialTwinkle
by CelestialTwinkle
by CelestialTwinkle
by CelestialTwinkle

by Mimi5000

by Mimi5000

Facebook Twitter Google+ Blogger WordPress

Jamaailday Gift #27 + Graphic + New Item + TWO TV'S? + Jamaailday Rescue Den Tips!

Hi jammers! The daily advent gift was back to normal today- I wonder if it really was a glitch yesterday. Today's advent is a (member) diamond and a poofy monster rug.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Contest Blog

I just finished the contest blog! You can check it out by clicking the contest link on the sidebar, or by clicking below! ^.^

Jamaailday Gift #26 + Glitch + New Item + Graphics + Secret Santa Event Notice!

Hi jammers! How was your Christmas yesterday? Mine was really relaxing and fun! ^.^
Many of us probably noticed the so-called glitch that happened this morning concerning the Daily Spin and the Jamaailday gift?
Well, I have read other posts on blogs and it happened to me as well- the Jamaailday gift is no longer (at least today it wasn't) on the gift calendar. It was in your den item inventory. Is this a glitch or will the gifts be in our inventories until the end of December?

And the Daily Spin is also glitched. When I logged in, it said I had only logged in for 1 day in a row (maybe we are starting over on our log-in count?) and even though I spun 25 gems, I got 0 gems. I was too slow to take pictures of it all, so I am using pictures from the Animal Jam Paw Up! I hope you don't mine Mimi5000...

(Picture from the Animal Jam Paw Up!)

(Picture from the Animal Jam Paw Up!)

The new item is the snow fort wall piece in Jam Mart Furniture!

There is 2 graphics today- one of today's Jamaailday gift (white background) and one of an adorable pink polar bear cub by Mimi5000!

by awesomepanda868

by Mimi5000

Oh... that polar bear is so cute.... XD
Remember to get your gift to your Secret Santa by the end of today! ^.^
Okay jammers- I have to go! Bye! You can check out the new AJGC Contest Blog later too! 