Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Night of the Phantoms!

Hello jammers! Happy Halloween! Happy Night of the Phantoms! I have a special card for you guys!

Blog Chat

Hi! Has everyone seen the cool chat box at the bottom of the blog! I used the official Animal Jam emoticons on it! Remember to have fun on the chat box, but respect the rules!
Be sure to stop by the chat box soon!
P.S. Sorry for my lack of posting, I have had a lot of homework lately! I will definitely post again and probably make another graphic this weekend!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Animal Jam Comic #3- Frightening Finale!

Let's see what will happen in the finale of the Night of the Phantoms AJ Comic series!

Did you know it was a puppy all along jammers? Share your thoughts on this comic!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

**EXCLUSIVE** AJGC Sidebar Graphics & Helpful Customizable Blog Gadgets & Gizmos

by awesomepanda868
(You can request your own personalized blog contact info on this form in the official Animal Jam font)
by awesomepanda868
by awesomepanda868
by awesomepanda868

If you would like any of these customized for your own blog, please contact us! We will see to it right away! You can also comment the necessary information and we will email it to you. Thanks!
Jam on!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Top Hats, Polar Bears & Seals!

Hello jammers! Today's RIM is a Spooky Top Hat, and I felt like making a graphic of it! You can use it with credit to me (awesomepanda868).

I know this blog isn't one for updates and such, but I just HAD to post this "leaked" photo of the new Animal Jam polar bear! Isn't it adorable?
Our sources of leaked otter pictures were correct, so maybe this really is what the polar bear will look like! Too bad its for diamonds and its for members, but I hope all jammers can love the awesomeness of polar bears together! Comment what your favorite animal has been so far!

Friday, October 24, 2014

*EXCLUSIVE* Animal Jam Graphic Central ONLY Contest Header

Here is an EXCLUSIVE Animal Jam Graphic Central only, contest header! It is for an art contest that you might have on your blog!
Credit must be given to awesomepanda868

What is YOUR favorite type of art? Cubism, abstract, impressionist, still life or another type of art? 

Gems, Diamonds, Gold & More!

The post filled with gold... the post filled with gems... the post filled with diamonds... whatever you choose to call it, this post has ALL of the currency graphics that have been added so far!

Wolf Graphics!

Hi guys! I collected all of the AJGC's wolf graphics! Enjoy! Only those who have "by ....." underneath them require credit! They are all transparent!

Animal Jam Emote Graphics!

Hi guys! Today I have for you... some epic emote graphics! They are all transparent, and really, really cute! They are best used in their smaller form because they become blurry when you blow them up real big. No credit is needed for these emotes!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Animal Jam Comic #1- Comic Spookiness!


What do you think is under that cloth, jammers?

Monday, October 20, 2014


Welcome to the Animal Jam Graphic Central! Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you can make time to come and visit us and our happy community of bloggers, jammers and talented graphic-makers! This is a site where you can submit graphics and view others graphics and art! These are all used with credit on blogs of course! If you would like to send a graphic in, please check out the side-bar for my contact information. Animal Jam Graphic Central doesn't really belong to me- it belongs to everyone who views it, contributes and helps with it! Thanks!